The most common Questions and Answers about Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
Q: What is the low-level laser doing?
A: Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) restores health by removing the underlying causes of ill-health by decreasing inflammation, increasing oxygen and blood flow, promoting muscle calcium uptake and increasing neurotransmitter release.
Q: How does the low-level laser work?
A: Laser light passes through the skin and stimulates the cells energy production center, the mitochondria, creating more energy, better cell communication, improved tissue growth, enhanced cell nutrition and extended cell life.
Q: How does low-level therapy strengthen muscles?
A: Low-level laser light increases cell energy by stimulating the cell energy center, the mitochondria, to generate energy the nerves use to strengthen the muscles
Q: How can low-level laser therapy penetrate through clothing?
A: Low-level lasers emit 45 billion light particles, called protons, every second, and eventhough clothing restricts laser light from reaching the skin to some degree, enough particles pass through the clothing to create a therapeutic effect.
Q: Why can’t I feel anything my low-level laser treatment?
A: You won’t feel the low-level laser light because it doesn’t create heat or vibrate the tissue because of its low power. After low-level laser treatments people often experience less pain, more strength, and better joint movement.
Q: How can a beneficial low-level laser response occur in a matter
of a few seconds?
A: Low-level laser light stimulates cell receptors to increase energy
production and anytime one cell is stimulated to create energy
many other cells will also be stimulated to produce more energy.
Q: What are the additional benefits of low-level laser therapy?
A: Additional benefits of low-level laser therapy include increased protein production, healthy cell growth, wound healing, increased circulation, tissue regeneration and increased immunity.
Q: Why aren’t other doctors using this technology?
A: In 1998 the Erchonia Corporation designed the first line-generated “laser light” source that enabled doctors to treat over a larger surface area. Although the innovative approach to care is highly effective the science of how it works is relatively new and presently not taught within a majority of health care educational institutions.
Q: Why not use a laser pointer?
A: A laser pointer, though an actual laser with perhaps the correct wavelength, doesn’t have enough energy to create a therapeutic effect.
Q: How far does the low-level laser penetrate?
A: Laser light doesn’t need to penetrate to the injury site to restore
health as once the laser light stimulates the original receptors, the
receptors stimulate non-lasered cells triggering healing responses at
the injury site.
Q: How long does a laser treatment last?
A: Clinical studies show that positive laser results can be
Immediate and last many weeks or more but like many therapies
laser may require several treatments to effectively resolve the
underlying causes of pain and loss of function.
Q: When do you use the low-level laser?
A: Immediately after a new injury to speed healing by preventing
muscle weakness, restoring joint function and stopping further
injury. Low level laser should also be used with chronic injuries to
reduce pain, improve muscle strength and increase joint
Q: Why not just treat the point of pain?
A: Fastest healing occurs when both the point of pain and nerves
associated with the point of pain are treat simultaneously.
Q: Why not receive just one treatment?
A: Although the literature supports that one treatment of low-level
laser therapy can generate a significant improvement in pain,
strength and joint movement long-term pain relief often requires
multiple treatments.